Tag Archives: Kathleen Kane

Kane is Able

Pennsylvania State Attorney General Kathleen Kane is a number of things – stating most of which would probably land me as a defendant in a number of lawsuits. To say she is a fraud – a manipulative, narcissistic, bullying, underhanded disgrace to the office – would be a reckless statement devoid of tact.

But I bet she makes her idol and former campaign contribution beneficiary, Hillary Clinton, proud.

Elected on a platform of being “a prosecutor, not a politician,” Kane has made nothing but political moves since she stepped into the role in 2013. From attacking her opponents and predecessors to playing by her own rules, her contempt for the law, and the will, of the people of Pennsylvania has been evident from day one.

Her latest assault on the justice system is the recent dismissal of an in-depth, multi-year investigation into bribery allegations against four Philadelphia-based Democratic representatives. She had them dead to rights. But by the whimsy of her grace and her whisper of desire, countless hours and thousands of dollars are flushed down the Kane drain.

Because it’s racist, yo.

Political motivation is a hell of a drug. The fact that the investigation was started under her predecessor, Tom Corbett; that only Democrats managed to be swept up in the bi-partisan inquiry; that the charges were so abruptly dismissed, with minimal reasoning, makes her actions stink of political cronyism. The Philadelphia Inquirer performed an in-depth look into the situation, only to come out the other end with threats of libel and defamation suits from Kane’s grotesque, troll-like lawyer, Richard Sprague.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Hiring a personal attorney to hold a “news conference,” unsupported accusations of an investigation tainted with racism, and charges against critics of being cowardly and sexist only fuel the fire of speculation. Who’s the libelous and defamatory one now? Add “hypocrite” to the ever-growing list of adjectives.

Kane’s first affirmation of her political exhibitionism was her blatant attack against lawful firearm owners shortly after her election. In February of last year, the repealing of the well-established concealed carry reciprocity agreement with Florida was announced. Some urban municipalities, such as the city of Philadelphia, do not properly follow the “shall-issue” status of the state of PA regarding the issuance of carry licenses. This leaves little room for options for its law-abiding citizenry, other than to apply for an out-of-state permit that is legal to use here. Chalk up a win for her in the name of “loopholes” for party support. It did nothing to actually deter crime.

Shortly thereafter, Kane affirmed that she would not uphold the state’s constitution, primarily the section related to marriages recognized under the law. Despite breaching her oath of office, she took it upon herself to rally further support from her base and ignore the law in the name of ethics. That level of irony could only be taught from the playbook of US Attorney General Eric Holder. A match made in heaven.

There are ways of changing state laws, and it’s not by pretending they don’t exist. You’d think someone would know their role in government after going to law school, but education doesn’t breed intelligence. And the only people who could hold Kane accountable to any level are either targets of her investigations or those who could easily become one.

When it comes to keeping corrupt politicians in office, superseding the rights of citizens, and making up all the rest in-between, Kane is Able!