Tag Archives: Comatose Republic

The State of the Comatose Republic, I

Our citizenry is a powerful force, yet we remain divided – our hearts, together; our minds, apart. We choose to see what is before us, not what is actually presented. Our future is in the hands of a powerful few, instead of an engaged majority.

As this, we stand.

The once huddled masses are now at arm’s length from each other. We value distance, distraction, and differences over inclusiveness. Our failure to work together will lead to our tearing apart, and the common thread of civilization will snap under weakness.

As this, we fall.

The state of the union is relative to those who are in power. To the common man, it is weak. To the career politician, it is strong. Droves of lethargic citizens continue to pay their dues, and the government continues to spend it how they please. We are no longer tax payers – we are benefactors.

We comprise this nation, yet bestow it no dignity. We once fought more for less, but now settle for more of the same. Surely, this cannot be the way we will be remembered.

The sons and daughters of the greatest generation have perpetuated the issue, and bred a culture of entitlement. Hard work is rewarded with higher taxes. Laziness is punished with handouts. Half of our nation survives on the crutch of government, yet we take no issue, and resolve it by no means.

The home of the brave is now a nation of complacency. The land of the free has become a surveillance state. This is not the America we were given. This is not the country we were promised. But, we are not the quality of citizenry we should be.

Make time to spend with your family. Help a neighbor. Enroll your children in extracurricular activities to enrich their lives and expand their minds. Encourage intellectual debate regarding topics that impact your way of life. Educate yourself and those around you.

You owe it to yourself and your country to be an informed citizen of the United States. Your rights, established by our forefathers, defended by our kin, should not be taken for granted. Within, you hold the courage to be triumphant, or the cowardice to crumble. You determine your own destiny, and manifest it as such.

The change this nation needs begins with you.

Free Fallin’

In what’s being heralded as a triumph in democracy, Crimea successfully parted ways with Ukraine after a peaceful referendum was held, in accordance with international law, and voted upon with an outpouring of majority support.

Wait, no?  Well, how about:

With blatant disregard for their constitution, angry mobs of Ukrainians led a violent coup against their former President, leading to his expulsion and illegal takeover by an interim government.

But isn’t that what happened?

It’s hard to tell, given the position of the White House and the European Union, and how dictated facts spread in the press like herpes on prom night.  What we have right here is grounds for a good, old-fashioned info war cold war!  Obama already forms a stiff erection every time Putin is slighted.  And right now, he’s waving his raging semi in the direction of… sanctions against Russian “cronies.”

Convincing.  So much so, that the Russians laughed it off by inviting sanctions against their entire parliament.  “Bring it on, pussies!” I believe is the quote I read, though I may be mistaken.  This, followed by initiating their own sanctions against the US.

I’ve never bared witness to such a large scale superpower pissing match.  It’s not to say I support certain actions of a politically motivated, power hungry, deceptive President (Putin or Obama, take your pick), but the Cold War is long dead.  We don’t have to hate the Russians anymore.  This isn’t Rocky IV.

Hell, nowadays, even Stallone and Lundgren are working together.

What the Obama administration is exercising is not diplomacy.  Isolation tactics are not diplomacy.  Justifying said actions with “well, they did it to themselves, so there!” is not diplomacy.  We can go right ahead and have high-level, direct talks with Iran without preconditions, but we’ll snub the President of Russia by cancelling his G8 membership and imposing sanctions because he supported his own people, ethnic Russians, in an independent, self-governed state?  Who is he, the world’s police?  Only the US can be the world’s police!

The double standard is blinding.

No one’s feathers were more ruffled than Obama’s when Russia stepped in amidst the crisis in Syria and deescalated tensions derived from supposed chemical weapons usage.  Putin prevented the war that Obama and Kerry were all horny over – the same war they decried when Bush waged it in Iraq, for the same reasons.  Flaccid jimmies betwixt thighs, they decided to follow the Russian-led appeal to dismember Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile.  Putin stopped them in their tracks, redirected, and led much in a manner as we should have.

Thanks for making us look bad, bruh.

What should be multi-lateral open dialogue has become Russia dictating the terms to the world.  But we can’t talk anymore, because we’re not friends.  And you can’t put a price on friendship.  Wait, yes you can.  It’s one billion dollars, via taxpayer funded foreign aid to Ukraine.  That’s a real rebuke to the likes of Russia.  Yeah, that’ll teach them.

In a world full of children, we’re supposed to be the adults.  We should be leading the conversation, not just being mentioned in passing.

The free world has begun to free fall.