Tag Archives: Burritos

Wronging a Right

Toll the bells and let freedom erode, it’s Starbucks 2.0!

Chipotle Mexican Grill recently announced the unwelcoming of firearms in their restaurants, sans law enforcement personnel (because only they should have guns, right, guys?!) – an asinine, meritless position based on illogical fear, caused by freedom fighters, with no couth or sense, wielding “military-style assault rifles” at a Dallas, Texas, restaurant.

Yes, the quotation marks are there for a reason.

The issue at hand was forced forward by yet another of Bloomberg’s “grassroots” anti-2A groups, Moms Demand Action (Lord knows they need some) for Gun Sense in America. Their bitchy pushing of the issue caused Chipotle to go back on their previous position regarding firearms in their stores, which was to observe local laws instead of making up their own.

“Chipotle’s statement that firearms are not welcome in their restaurants is bold and meaningful – it shows that you can support the Second Amendment while also taking reasonable measures to ensure that Americans are safe and secure in the places we take our children,” said founder of Moms Demand Action Shannon Watts.

Funny, all I read was “no guns allowed.” It reminds me of the Benjamin Franklin quote regarding liberty and security. Sadly, neither exists at Chipotle anymore.

You would expect Moms Demand[ing Hot] Action to jump all over such a stiffening topic. And I suppose it’s understandable for a profit-seeking company to cave in to the demands of some weak 10,000 signature petition, you know, for the children. After all, it is very convincing. And they don’t want to offend anyone.

Bro, do you even Switzerland?

What really slaps my nuts are these douchebag, long-gun toting, misguided fucks who think they’re doing the rest of us a favor by parading around like a paramilitary fighting force and shoving guns in the public’s face, all in the name of “rights.”

Sir Isaac Newton taught us that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Well, to get this sort of backlash, you must be doing it wrong.

There are different ways to make your voice heard. You can vote (pfffffft, but I still do anyway), you can contact your elected representatives (again, pfffffft), you can start a military coup and take over the government (simply hypothetical, in this instance ;-), or you can rally… with smaller, less intimidating-looking firearms.

“But… our rights!”

Making progress requires moderation. Exercising our rights requires common sense.

If you want openly carried (or any sort of) firearms to be more generally accepted in society, which should be the endgame here, you need to have realistic expectations and a cohesive, sensible game plan. Sadly, much like with the modern-day Republican Party, these ideals have gone the way of the dodo. This is why these groups lack the sort of influence and progress they desire.

However, this still does not leave Chipotle off the hook for their implementation of a moronic policy that bars law-abiding citizens from openly, or concealed, carry of a legitimate tool of self-defense. I’m proud to say that I haven’t stepped foot in a Starbucks since they took the anti-gun path.

I have no desire to surrender my rights and subject myself willingly and unnecessarily to entering a gun-free zone. After all, that’s where all the most deadly shootings occur.

You can keep your burritos, I’ll keep my freedom.