
My name is irrelevant, and the details are circumstantial.

I formed this blog as an outlet for my views, in hopes I may reach someone, somewhere, and provoke some kind of thought, reaction, brain wave, loud sigh, or an eye roll coupled with a loud sigh.  I receive no paid commission or other form of compensation for my words.  The anger, frustration, insight, and fortitude I expel through written form is gratifying enough.

I don’t wish to debate the merits of my opinions, as they are just that – opinions – and much like assholes, everyone has one.  I just so happen to be equipped with the eloquence and grammatical proficiency needed to portray myself in an intelligent manner, sometimes.  I do not see my opinions as infallible or unchangeable, as I base my views on facts, logic, experience, and perception, but I am firm in my stance on most subjects.

If you become offended by my writings, I urge you to inform anyone but me, being that I don’t care.  Plus, it spreads the good word, and I could really use the web traffic.

I enjoy using sarcasm, humor, and wittiness.  On rare occasion, I am fortunate enough to employ all three in the same sentence.  As I just did.  Right there.  By stating them.

If you’re still reading this, then you’re wasting your time.  All the good stuff is on the main page.  You’ll probably be wasting your time there, too, but reading big words makes you feel important, and I’ve got plenty of those to share.

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