The New Crusades


People like to throw that word around a lot lately. If you’re a bigot, you must be evil. You must go against all that is well and sacred, to intentionally negatively impact the livelihood of your fellow brethren. You must simply… have a differing viewpoint?

And for the small sum of $1,000.00, ladies and gentlemen, you, too, can have your professional career permanently ruined by a nefarious minority of venomous vermin! Step right up and get steamrolled!

OkCupid, a dating site you shouldn’t concern yourself with, recently announced their distaste in the hiring preference of Mozilla (the company that owns the browser Firefox) regarding their new CEO, Brendan Eich, because it’s easy to pick low hanging fruit. OkCupid voiced their concern by having a message launch within users Firefox browsers when visiting the site, which looks like this:

Douchebaggery at its finest.
Douchebaggery at its finest.

For me to address the multitude of issues I have with their cute little message would be to simply post it in entirety again.

In 2008, Eich made a $1,000.00 personal donation to support Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that sought to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry within the state, for which a majority of Californians voted in favor. Mozilla was verbally attacked as an organization as retribution for his promotion to CEO – because if a person believes in “traditional” marriage and supports that viewpoint, then they obviously hate the gays. And that makes them a bigot. And if their company thinks that person is professionally qualified for a particular leadership role, regardless of his/her personal beliefs, then that makes them bigots, too.

Excellent fuzzy logic.

So this week, as the solution to the outrage built within the realm of the interwebz as well as his own company, Mozilla accepted Eich’s resignation from the position he had worked his entire life to earn. And that’s how the terrorists win.

Eich’s contribution to the development of Java is a large foundation of products we use every day. His work was revolutionary, and became an industry standard. The crowning achievement to his professional career was being selected as the CEO of an organization he helped create, while driving the company to success with his foresight and ingenuity. With no record of ever bringing his personal politics into the workplace, all of his hard work and dedication was eviscerated because of a single, outward, unrelated expression of personal values, to which he was legally entitled.

This is exactly why freedom in America is eroding. You’re either “right” or “correct”. But it’s not personal, it’s just business… as usual. Eh, and personal.

But who cares. Dialogue is for stupid-heads, anyway.

So let’s make individuals miserable for their constitutionally protected self-expressions. Let’s shame everyone into groupthink. Let’s frustrate the opposition by dragging them through the mud until they’re ready to play ball or go home.

This inane Crusade waged by the pro-gay agenda is not earning them any sympathies from me, because those who enforce misery, shame, and frustration are my enemies, and I wish them nothing but failure. They’re perpetrating the same persecution which they claim to be victims of. That’s called bigotry.

Intolerance is so intolerable.

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